
Woo woo' or a genuine drive to be better


Show your friends you're into self-help by doing the work. It's 'the action' which is helpful to others. If you can show your friends you're doing better, they'll be happy for you.

Otherwise, the response from your best friends will always be, "cool, so you're in a cult now." 👍

Wanting And Needing Reality

When my own world crumbles and I crave a real one


When I was young; the world was scary, there was so much I didn't know. This made me want to live in my own little world. I didn't care if it wasn't reality.

Now I'm older; the world is still scary, I still don't know much, but the last thing I want is to live in my own world.


can we find it from within?


A sunset on the horizon, a large body of water, a view from a height.
By seeing something beautiful like this, our body relaxes and we are in no rush to be anywhere else.
My question is, can we get that same feeling by simply closing our eyes and trying to imagine these views?

The Time Is Now

getting out of your own way to fix what you need


Had you put up with a problem for years but takes 5 minutes to fix, AND it improves your quality of life?

I have.

Our door hinges have now been oiled up. No more waking my wife up in the middle of the night when I try to go to the bathroom.

Why didn't we fix it earlier??!!

Create More

The power of an artist


At the least:
An artist can write a song, paint a picture, write a story; and no one else finds it.

At the most:
They start movements, change culture, and inspire artistry for others.

Create more.


It's tough to swallow sometimes


Some simple math for instant perspective:
I'm 38. I've been taking my fitness pretty seriously this past 6 months. So, I guess you can say I've taken fitness seriously for 1.3% of being alive...

No wonder I don't look like a fitness model yet.

A Quick Thanks

100 posts and still not slowing down


My 100th post in almost 5 months of this account existing; It makes me happy to realize my consistency in sharing my thoughts on what has been helping me navigate an amazing time in my life.
Thank you.

more to say

100 posts on twitter has got me going


Focus is key.
Patience is key.

If I am currently focused on 6 hobby's, it's easy to say I lack focus, but what if they all take a long time for me to get proficient in like; a language, or an instrument, etc.

What should I do in the meantime? Another hobby right?

Impatience To Problems

Are we upgrading or swapping here?


If you're always going to have problems whether you've 'made it' or not, what's the rush?
"There are no solutions, only trade-offs."
- Thomas Sowell

What if we only change our situations in life when we can't bare to look at the same problem, so we swap it for another one?"

What does the data say?

facts over feelings



Question 1:
Are you moving the needle?

Question 2:
What does the data say?

Remember: What you feel could be based on memory, not fact.

An Ocean Of Calm

It's not just you who gains Thoughtful from the ocean


Another reason to live by the water.
Ocean environments are rich in negative ions, which are believed to have mood-enhancing and stress-reducing effects. Negative ions are thought to increase levels of serotonin, a neurotransmitter associated with mood regulation.

Struggle Is What You Want

Craving a challenge


In the beginning; you get into the gym, count the reps, and get out.
The next stage is to feel every rep. You want to feel like you've worked. You want to feel the struggle.

You struggle; only to condition yourself to want to struggle.

The Data Is There

are you paying attention?


It's all data:
Neither good nor bad. It's up to you whether paying attention to it results in a benefit to you, but it's there.

Learning The System

Learning the business, not the job


Learning to operate like a cog in a well-oiled machine is important and valuable.
The real win is to understand more about the machine, this specific knowledge makes you invaluable.

How Do You Recharge?

5 ideas to help you find the energy you need


How do you actually recharge?
Here are my ideas:
- Low energy activity; a walk, watch a show you enjoy, talk to a friend
- Do something you're passionate about; hobby/activity
- Write out what's bothering you
- Go to the gym
- Remind yourself of a time you were totally relaxed

Useful Complaining

Is this a thing?!


Why do people think complaining is a worthwhile story to share?
I understand the need to vent with the people you trust, but if all of your stories end with a criticizism of what you've experienced, no one benefits.

9 to 5

Are we demonizing this?


If you can enjoy your life doing a 9-5 job, imagine how good your holidays would be.


The memorable teacher


Nobody wants to feel shame but sometimes you have to feel it to learn the lesson.

HOW you learn your lesson tells you a lot about yourself.

Shame taught me in my 20's:
Spending money on drinks instead of paying rent is a bad idea. Thankfully this mistake was never repeated.

Clarity In Climbing

How do we know we are climbing the right hill?


How to run a marathon, earn millions, or write a book.
I've clicked on enough click-bait articles to know the tricks to get started.
But remember; no one has the same environment, so if you're struggling with adherence, the battles you face will not be in the article you read.

Pasta Tower

A tribute to Alex Hormozis' analogy


Pasta tower. Alex Hormozi. Genius!

From Annoyance To Highlight

How your day can change in seconds


Waking up to get to the gym is hard enough, but finding everyone else using the equipment you need to use is just annoying.

I ended up running outside (in 25°C weather) to the nearest pull-up bar and got to work.

What once was an inconvenience was the highlight of my day.


When you complete everything you expect to get done today, how do you usually feel?

Remind yourself this at the end of the day when you've crushed your to-do list, this is how you thought you'd feel.

Struggle Is What You Want

Craving a challenge


Am I doomed forever?
I struggled to a habit into something automatic, only to find myself conditioned to want to struggle again:
- Where does this lead me if I keep going down this track?
- Does this translate to other things in my life?

*sigh* Welcome to my brain.


For the longest time I felt self-conscious about wearing a singlet, a sing-o, a wife beater.

Regardless of how I look, the perceived reaction from people who don't exist stopped me.

I finally bought one and now I feel silly, so silly a singlet had this much power over me.


There's an unspoken pressure to get more followers on every a platform, all the time.

Followers = Credibility = Quality

This seems logical but also wrong.
I value the opinion of a tiny sliver of a percentage of people in the world. So why does more followers equal quality?


If you want to be good, good. We need people in the world who are good.

Olympians are the best in the world at a sport, but it doesn't mean the world owes them money.

Just because you're good, it doesn't mean you're rich, but at least you know you can learn to be.


Aging is exciting isn't it?!
We all have it in common.

I'm finding all these hidden talents like:
I can simply run my hand through my hair and SURPRISE!
.. a clump of hair.

Very exciting indeed.


Knowing how you play your instrument is step 1:
You're aware of how you play.

Knowing how others play is step 2:
Now you're listening to more than just yourself.

Adjusting how you play to make others sound better is step 3:
It's where the music is.


I watch fitness experts on YouTube. I don't watch the news.
- I want to know what's new in fitness, supplements and nutrition.
- What's out, what's in.
- Who's dispelling myths?
- What does science say?
- New high protein recipes.

Timeless good times.
The news, not so much.


Achieving a 'personal best' in the gym feels good, but it also leaves you with a question needing an answer:
"What's your next goal?"

Adding more weight is 'a' metric but what is a better goal?
- Better technique
- More reps
- Super sets
- Additional exercises
- Slower tempo


Anyone who has achieved great physical success, expresses their amazement with what the human body can withstand, yet we believe we are fragile so easily.

The atheletes in the world have a body just like yours, they just condition it differently.

Guess who's in charge of that?


It's defeating to try and think of ways to help people if you don't have a high opinion of yourself.

You'll constantly be cutting yourself down before you've done anything.

Put out your best work, do your best, and build a collection of drafts first.

Let data be your friend.


What I'm doing to make myself happier right now:
- Organize a date night every month with my wife
- Prepare healthy lunches Monday-Friday
- Give myself 1 hour a week to watch YouTube
- Check progress on larger goals daily
- Go to the gym 5 days a week
- Save a little cash weekly


I'm overthinking too many things right now:
- Learning a language I don't use
- Learning to code without making anything
- Learning to cook but still ordering fast food
- Going to the gym only to celebrate it with a cocktail

Don't do what I'm doing, use what you got.


There's so many shiny objects to look at:
The real power is stacking skills, but there's a thing about task switching tax, but it's always impressive when you can wear many hats, but it's about executing, but let's not forget about strategy, but performing under pressure, but ..


Meal prep benefits:
- 2x healthy meals
- < $5 each
- 45g of protein each

- Fry a 500g bag of frozen cauli rice in pot for 10min until broken up
- Melt chili flakes, butter and olive oil in another pan
- Fry 500g fresh prawns in the pan for 3mins, turn, fry for 2mins



Developing a day, crafting every minute is a pursuit worth your time.
Whether it's savouring a few unique moments, leaving you content and complete, or crushing as many tasks as possible, leaving you satisfied and accomplished.

Which side do lean towards at the moment?


Feeling lost?? Me too.
We're are in it together.

Is there anything you're doing at the moment to help you feel less lost?
- I write
- I listen to people who are smarter than me
- I work on endless pursuits
- Tell my peeps they're great, often
- Save some cash
- Hit the gym


I've heard people describe social media as a place where you either:
- Consume or perform
- Doom-scroll or learn
- Entertain or be entertained
- Start a business or not
- Flex your discipline or lack of it

How ever you slice it, it can work for you, or against you.
You pick.


At what point do we leave everything out on the field?

My strength is in patience, which is helpful when you are an artist.

In sports: once a week, game day.
In music: only when your next gig is...
In fitness: whenever you feel recovered...

See my point?


Appreciate your person:
- Listen to their story again
- Wash the dishes
- Make the bed
- Over communicate
- Organize little surprises each month
- Buy their favorite snack
- Watch their favourite movie again

They deserve so much more, but you can start with these.


Hours in the gym
Years alive

The reason your body doesn't reflect your expectations.


What's a thing which requires 100% conviction in your execution?

Ok, 90%?


Are you struggling? Good.
You can bare to struggle some more. You don't know what it is to suffer.

Do you wanna hang with your heroes?
Wouldn't it be better if they were impressed by you too!
What do you want them to be impressed by?

Do that.

Are you doing it yet?


The mental jackhammer:

You've held on to it for so long, you can't hear or feel it anymore.
You're driving yourself further into the ground by holding on to the very thing you need to let go of.


Is there much point in writing a low priority to-do list?

They weigh on your mind and you can't get to it because there are seemingly more important tasks which take priority.
What would a day of low priority look like for you?


The failure rate of businesses in:
USA - 60%
AUS - 60%
U.K - 60%
(Roughly speaking, after 5 years)

Do we rush in?
What if we treated life like the training ground? Once we've optimized enough aspects in life, we're ready to start a long lasting business.


Being an artist is often seen as a solitary endeavour. You're on your own to explore what's within and bring it into the world.
If this is true, aren't we all artists of something?
Physical medium

Pushing our passions forward to make them beautiful.


If you don't have an:
- Elevator pitch ready
- Mission statement
- Material for an annual speech or address

... That's ok.
A CEO of 20 years didn't either.

You don't know everything because you're a business owner.


Meal prep benefits:
- 2x healthy meals
- $5 each
- 45g of protein each

- Boil a 500g bag of frozen veg in pot
- Divide 500g minced turkey into quarters
- Roll them into round balls
- Place two balls in a hot pan and flatten
- Fry for 3mins, flip, fry for 3mins



Giving up does nothing for you now, nor in the future.
Keep talking, keep writing,
keep playing, keep building, it's more fun that way.


It's easy to get anxious from an idea of doing, or not doing something.
You're anxious about a thing which hasn't happened yet, energy wasted.

It's harder to shift that nervous energy on to todays tasks and put it to work. Hard things are worth working on.


Environment is huge:
A wise friend once tell me, "You're trying fly a kite under powerlines."
Sometimes we don't know when we are in a bad environment.


If you're curious about how accountable you can be.
You can be sure you will improve.

If you're relieved when you understand happiness is a pursuit and not a destination.
You can be sure you will be happier.


If there are so few impressions everytime you post:
Should you let this data inform 'the way' you post?
Should you let this data inform you posting at all?
Should you not change a thing as you don't care about this metric?

Good news!!.. no one cares.
Do you!!


What is the information advantage I take for granted?
- 15+ yrs as a pro musician
- 5 yrs in I.T.
- 4 yrs as a toolmaker
- 4 yrs in sales
- 1 yr in the gym
- 6 yrs in a relationship
(2 yrs married)
- 38 yrs navigating the world

Yep, I take a lot for granted.


There's safety in a to-do list.
If something is explained step by step, in a clear and concise fashion, it's a valuable skill.

But when you've done something long enough, an instinct is developed. This should be treated as more valueable.

Don't forget to trust yourself.


Take the limelight of your own story.

If you're not the main character, you better be the superhero whom saves the day.

If you're neither, you're going to have to work on your self-esteem, like me.


Anything I can 'set and forget' as auto-pilot AND doubles as a healthy habit, future me can benefit from, has my attention.

But it's also important to do something out of the ordinary each week, something to surprise you, is necessary.

- Daily healthy habits
- Weekly surprises


- I gave myself a break
- I went easy
- I deferred everything to tomorrow
- I took the easy way out
I felt sluggish

- I pushed harder
- I completed tasks
- I tried new things
- I spoke to strangers
I felt energetic

Did I need yesterday to crush today?


How do I collect and celebrate moments of rejection?
- Try new things
- Fail in front of others
- Be vulnerable first
- Start a sales gig


If you want to lift something heavy, but it's still too heavy right now, volume is key.

Load that sucker up!!

Squeeze the lemon
Welcome the pain
Get uncomfortable
Push. Harder.


Why 'process' is important:
- Gains perspective
- Identifies 'bottlenecks'
- Promotes lateral thinking
- Requires an open mind
- Leads to integrity

HOW you do something matters!


Lift light weights
Train until you're bored of it
Lift heavier weights
Train until you're bored of it
Lift even heavier weights
Train until you're bored of it

A year later: Look up and notice how much better your life is.


Why should I have the audacity to think I know pain?

I'm a white male who natively speaks English, I have a full time career, loved by my wife and family, with time for hobbies and resources to look after my body.

The only pain I know of is self-inflicted.


A musicians job:
To fucking kick ass for the people whom always wanted to play music but tell themselves they can't.
They don't play but love and devour music, possibly even more than musicians.

Do it for them!


Personal brand:
It's creating the 'iceberg' a stranger can see, but they wont just see the tip, they'll see the whole iceberg.
It may not help you now but in 3 years time, they'll be able to collaborate with YOU, growing your network without any effort from you.


Useful for work right now:
Your grateful for the opportunity to seize every moment of the day, balancing a full-time gig and a side hustle.
So when the time comes to work for yourself, you'll be able to spend your time wisely.


I've been looking at my current daily tasks, keeping a close eye on how my mood fluctuates.

I learned:
My calendar is my friend.

Spread out some boring/necessary work with some more brainless tasks.
Review what cadence felt ok and try it again throughout the week.


If making lemonade is what we want.

And Life WILL give us lemons.

I see Self-help as looking at how other squeeze a lemon.

Some days we need to SEE it.

Some days we just need to SQUEEZE.

Hold up!! .. but when can we drink the lemonade??


Useful not true:
Did we dilude ourselves into an outcome, brainwashing ourselves with a lie until it became a reality?


Did we dream of an outcome, made it a goal of ours, focusing intensely, and working hard until we achieved it?

Does the process matter?


The swings from maximum effort to falling off the wagon is a common story, but dramatic.

Take the drama out of your process.

Consistency is key. Little bits everyday.


Training people fresh to the game is so rewarding.

It fires me up to see newbies lift their spirits, learn new skills, create new goals, get in the reps, learn to be uncomfortable, and leave the day with a smile.

It's truely beautiful to see it in action.


Achieving little milestones is important:
- It feels productive
- It hurts if you miss it
- You know you're working towards your larger goal

If your milestones don't feel like this, is it better to put your milestones on ice to deal with your well being? OR double down??


A little message of appreciation to a team; pointing out their hard work, led to a whole bunch of teams reaching out to voice their appreciation for others efforts.
We need reminders to say what we're thinking, the ripple effects can be positive for many.


My mum used to tell me, "You are just like your father."
This hurt me at the time.

I later found out she meant: "You have mannerisms which are just like his. It's fascinating because you don't spend any time with each other."

It's worth clarifying old patterns.


No wonder we love doing things by ourselves and we have trouble sharing.

If we share, we can be called out on our bullshit. This is the problem with spending too much time by ourselves. It's too safe, too comfortable.

Share and live in reality.


Why is it whenever I come back from travelling in another country, I can't share it?
I get two sentences into explaining an experience I had before I end up hearing all about someone else's experience.

Sometimes it sucks being a good listener.


Meal prep benefits:
- 1x healthy meal
- $8 each
- 40g protein

- Chop a cucumber, a tomato, and some parsley
- Add a tinned Tuna or Salmon
- Squeeze half a lemon
- Generously salt and pepper to taste

Don't buy salads. Make them.


Working out which Thoughtful is useful to me feels like a constant practice and experimentation.

..But why is this important?
It reminds me I'm working towards something bigger and better without being anywhere near it. It encourages me to think bigger than my current position.


Living in abundance:
- Saving money without needing to use it
- Sharing time without feeling you lost it
- Learning something new without it feeling useless
- Loving others without needing it in return


Self-esteem is ticky:

Often you'll work hard at building your self-esteem. Depending on how much you have will be an amount of time it will take you to forget your value in hard times.
If the data is substantial to support your self-esteem, you can STILL forget.

Tricky huh!


I feel recharged. This is a rare feeling for me.
I used to think being sedentary was how you recharge your batteries. I now know this is a misconception.

CHANGE your routine in your week. Changing up your routine will recharge your batteries.
"Change is as good as a holiday."


When I played music professionally for over 10 years, I reached the point where I didn't need lessons anymore.

I knew how to handle most situations without needing to be told what to do. The hard part was executing on the boring stuff when I didn't feel like it.

Same for life.


I've never been a history buff, but I love an epic tale of people living amazing lives; tales where resources were tight, and means were less than imaginable, yet the world still evolved. History will tell us of amazing lives being lived...

Time to pick up a history book.


It's those feelings of elation:
- Seeing a live band crush it
- When the good guy wins in a movie
- An exceptional dining experience
- Well brewed coffee or beer
- Hitting a PB in the gym
- Witnessing significant historical landmarks
- That special moment with your partner



Every time you make a mistake: 1) Smile.
2) Say, "you silly sausage."
3) Laugh it off.
4) Keep playing the game.

Life's too short to not enjoy it OR at the very least, smile ya silly sausage.


If you grew up like I did;
Without war in the county you live in, people you love around you, a roof over your head, a job you are valued in, and spare time for your hobbies..

Fuck you're lucky! You really don't know what struggle is.


If your partner isn't listening to you after you've explained something clearly, multiple times, it's your fault.

If the information makes sense, your credibility does not. You've shown you can't be trusted in the past and it's up to you to find a path and win it back.


I was the kid in school who didn't do homework. Now I give myself homework because I know what's good for me.


If we aim to improve our sleep and we sleep better when we are exhausted, should exhaustion be our new default for better health?


While I would love to tell you an elegant story about what made me take my health so seriously in my late 30's, I can't.

9 months ago: I saw a fit guy at the beach and thought, "I want to feel like that guy, I'm fed up with feeling insecure, it sucks!"

That was it.


Growing up with:
Blink 182 in ears,
Skateboard in hand,
Few friends to laugh with,
A bottle of coke for lunch,
Goldeneye on Nintendo 64,
Vans with big tonges,
Hair with spikes,
Graffitied pencil case,
Watching stoner movies..

I'm glad I've learned some new skills since then.


Learning new skills requires: Focus, time and practice

Executing requires:
Focus, limited time and accurate memory recall.

Balancing new skills and executing = efficiency


Technology making us dumber and lazier:
- Auto spell check
- Electric bikes and scooters
- Internet banking
- Google maps
- Uber
- Online shopping
- Food delivery apps
- ChatGBT
- Email
- Social Media

I can't imagine my life without them though..


If someone is telling you something which feels important to them, find a way to repeat it back to them.

It's little effort on your part and displays such high regard and empathy.


You're on a date:

He thinks:
"I'm not sure about this place, this guy better not spit in my food."

She thinks:
"Wow, he's so sweet to the waiter, he must be good in relationships."


People who know you are more likely to see your intension even when it's not verbalized.

For example:
I'll tell my friends I'm not ticking items off my to-do list.
They aren't worried, nor do they offer any advice because they know I intend to get shit done.


How do you add an element of play to your day?
- Sing a long to music
- Dance
- Making funny noises
- Give nicknames to people you know
- Try to make others laugh
- Laugh at yourself
- Wave to strangers

What do you do?


The value in writing:

While I'm a novice at it, I believe to speak succinctly you need to think clearly. Writing it down is the first step to thinking clearly, this is where the magic happens, filtering through the differences between the brain and mind.


While I listen to my favorite podcasts, I imagine the hosts are living such luxurious lifestyles, but I don't know this.
Much like I've been to so many restaurants but don't know what a chefs' lifestyle is like.

So why am I so certain?
Maybe the allure is in the not knowing.


To climbing hills 🗻
Whatever hill you're on, I want to encourage you to keep climbing, stay on the hill, it got you this far, and the problem solving it requires so far will take you to new heights.

Quiting is easy, everyone does it, and it's a boring ending to a story.


If you have to wait for colleagues to give you direction on every single move you make, you're going piss off the people you work with.

If you do one thing to help the team and no one told you to do it: you'll be a hero.

Dramatic, isn't it?


Beers before a title match: 🍻🥇

"We are just hanging out here."
- Craig Jones 🇦🇺

Signals how lucky we are, we aren't fighting for our lives.


Hitting the gym 5 days a week for 40 weeks in a row!! 🎊📈

This is something I'll continue to celebrate. I'm still a noob in the gym but I've learned:
- I feel better by going to the gym.
- Personal bests are to be repeated and normalized
- Meal prep is 'a must' for 💰 and ❤️‍🩹


In my early 20's, I studied a degree in music, only to 'start again' getting an apprenticeship as a toolmaker.
Every day I felt behind in life, but I told myself, "I'm going to be an engineer." While I never became an engineer, I found it helpful.

Useful not true.


The power of showing your work.

A great idea: is helpful but provides no context.

Showing your working:
displays how you think to others, it can highlight the road travelled, helps to course correct, and teaches others to not make the same mistakes.


If you're anything like me, you grew up with parents who unwound at the end of the day, on the couch, in front of the T.V.

If you're trying to not binge so much Netflix or YouTube, be kind to yourself. You're trying to undo decades of conditioning and programming.


Being careful has its advantages:
- Thoughtful by default
- More aware of your surroundings
- More aware of the implications of your actions
- Able to review work with more accuracy

- Requires time
- Requires little to no distractions
- Often requires feedback


I caught myself walking down the street, talking to myself under my breath. I was then interrupted by someone next to me, walking in the same direction, talking out loud, only he had no shoes on.

Is this where I'm headed??!!


My timeline so far:
No direction

Found a few directions

Found THE direction

Plan for now-49
Dial the direction


The ultimate act of trusting yourself: not setting your alarm
Yesterday: woke up late
Today: woke up early

Let's see if I have the balls to keep this up


Why does she always want a bite of mine, and I never want a bite of hers?


The OCD nature of going to the gym:
The gear
The routine
The tracking
The diet

All so we can visit an air conditioned room to pick up heavy things and get stronger.

It's easy to get lost in how optimal we can create an environment we don't actually need.


The bare minimum to working:
- Arrive early, leave late.
- Do what is expected of you without cutting corners.
- Do a task no one has asked you to do, but you'll know it will help.
- Get involved in team building.
- Communicate early whenever change is needed.

Too obvious?


The system will help you adhere and scale.

So don't worry about this before you have:
The plan which gives you the actionable steps to know what to do.

So don't worry about this before you have:
The goal which cystallizes the destination you dream of.


Anthony Bourdain:
Signals a chef who created a lifestyle of travel, culture, and adventure.

John Mayer:
Signals a bedroom guitarist made into a world renowned musician.

Tim Ferriss:
Signals creating a path for 2 friends, writing a book, which changed the lives of millions.


Crack a smile on leg day.
It helps.


Feeling discomfort and not running away from it is a super power.
This is something I want to get better at. I see this artstic practice in others.


Anyone can write down a good idea.
My question is; how often do you revisit it, play with it, expand on it, share it?

How far can you take one good idea?


Goal: It has to be something you genuinely want OR need.

Plan: Your best guess of the steps required to reach your goal.

System: Kind and consistent reminders, holding you accountable to where you are and your next step to take.

TY! @AliAbdaal


An expensive experience can feel more expensive by being hidden, but to prove its value, people need to know about it.

Hiding comes AFTER.

Let's not get ahead of ourselves, you have to do something first.


I could learn something new which may take hours to understand.
I can tie up loose ends for the day:
20k steps
Gym session
Write a new post
Meal prep
Play some music
Organize email and personal data
Send a message to my friends and family

There's always something.


We know what we need to do:

1) Use new information as a tool to skill up.
2) Shape the information to model a plan for the future.
3) Adhere to the plan long enough to test your findings and adjust the plan slightly.


What does my life look like 3 years from now?
- Sharing my life with my favorite person, my wife
- Be a home owner
- Have a fitness model body
- Be an accomplished IT Project Manager
- Written a self help book
- Created an app I would use
- Built a community of 1000 true fans


Meal prep benefits:
- 4x healthy meals
- 15 mins prep

- Chop
3 zucchinis, 1 onion, 1 can 800g whole tomatoes
- Smash
5 cloves garlic
- Add
200g feta cheese
100g Greek olives
Oregano, olive oil, salt and pepper
- Plop on a tray, in the oven for 45 mins at 450°F



When you're younger, you lack self awareness.
You'll be naturally good at certain things, and woeful at others. The distinction is: you're doing ok but you just don't know it.
As you grow, you learn to be kinder with yourself as you can now see the good and the bad together.


Whenever I've let someone down in the past, my first thought was, "I've done it again."
I'm learning as I get older, this isn't baked into everyone. There are other people in the world who ARE surprised they've done something wrong. Their surprise comes as a surprise to me.


Today was a whirlwind of inefficiencies:
- Preparing for meetings that didn't happen
- Setting aside an hour to squash something important, only for it to get railroaded by 3 other tasks only I could do.

Hours later: 3 hours of my day was wasted.

Hey, It's nice to be needed.


The pursuits I want to get better at are finally in progress and tracking nicely, it gets me excited for the future. I can honestly say my intension and ambition are speaking the same language, and I'm greatful I've managed to get this far, it wasn't easy and it took a long time.


People want to know what millionaires did to get their riches, but the world finds out when millionaire's barely remember, and needs a good story to sell the book.

Marketing is often what we read. We want to believe in a good story, but I wonder how much we can actually apply.


Living well within your means and living a life of abundance feels like it could mean the same thing to me.

I think the only distinction to be made is one feels attainable and the other feels like a woo woo buzz word.


Would you look at that, 200 posts flew by!
The first 100 posts were tricky to post in a consistent fashion, but these more recent posts have been much easier to produce.
Just like the gym, when the habit is established, there's room to enjoy the process.

Thanks for reading!


Music brings it out in people; Mark Manson, Ali Abdaal, Jamie Oliver..
It seems the element of 'play' is a way to open doors to habits which are difficult to open. If something is easy to pick up and play with, you're more likely to try something difficult more often than most.


I used to teach people how to play drums. A student would often struggle with something, I'd then say one sentence, they'd try it again, and they get it!!

It's such a thrill when this happens.
I think this is why I listen to podcasts. I'm listening for that one sentence.


What was a moment in your life where you thought it was seemingly impossible to accomplish a task, yet you found a way to complete it?


I'm inspired by my ability to forget.

If I can create a way to keep track for what I'm doing currently, and what I've done in the past, I can create a clearer view of 'me' by looking at what I logged, rather than my memory.


Just achieved a PB for pull ups so far: 8 in a row!! 🎊

My goal is: 10 in a row to achieve by the end of the year... I'm super pumped to hit it!!

So, when I achieve this goal, the other variable I'm looking for is: Can I make this look easy 👀


It's nice when you can rely on a well formed habit which sets up your day for success:
- Morning workout
- 2x bottles of water
- Healthy breakfast
- Setting reminders in my calendar
- Writing your thoughts down

What gives you the momentum you need for a good day?


Meal prep benefits:
- 8x healthy meals
- $6 per meal

- Boil 400g of pasta and a cauliflower head
- Pan fry 4 chicken breasts halved and 6 cubed zucchini's
- Blend cooked cauliflower, 4 garlic cloves, 40g cheese, 125g of milk, and a thumb of butter.

You're welcome!


A part of me gets disappointed all over again when this type of technology fails me consistantly, and we have to use it without another option in sight.

...Hand dryers...

Ya killing me slowly.


Meal prep benefits:
-4x healthy meals
-$3 per meal

-Fry 1 diced onion, diced cauliflower, 4 cloves of garlic
-Put aside
-Fry 500g of beef mince
-Then add 1Tbsp of tomato paste, cumin, garam masala, curry powder, and 1 can of coconut milk
-Add cauli mix



I'm trying to work out whether I was in a 'flow-state,' OR I just took a really long time to configure a server, and I didn't want to stop halfway through.

Any ideas on how to differentiate between the two?


Habits that make me feel rich:
- Kissing my wife
- Talking to family or friends
- Playing music
- Morning workout
- Working on a blog post
- Working on my website
- Eating enough protein
- Working on my Russian

I hope these habits are still constant for me in 30 years time.


- New ideas are great.
- Old ideas are great.
- Good ideas are the best.
- The same idea in a new way is great.
- The same idea the same way is helpful.
- No idea.. helps no one.


Merit, not muscle:

Most people dream of being successful.

I'd rather be good.

When I'm finally asked the questions where my answers could help others, I'd want to make sure I have good answers.


lift weights. lift books. This guy got it right. (beast picture)


"You're only as good as your last gig."

I've always liked this saying, it instills integrity.
I used to work with musician's for years and although I never heard them say it, their actions told me they understood it deeply.


I'm realizing I have very clear fitness goals I'd like to hit this year...
But I don't have goals for any other parts of my life:
- Cooking
- Russian
- Music
- Tech
- Career
- Financial
- Relationships

... I smell another spreadsheet coming on ...


"Useful not true."

What an ocean of a concept to play with 🤯

I'd like to think if you're trying to build something positive for yourself and you believe something to be true (which is a lie), BUT the resut is positive;

Do we care about the lie OR the positive result?


Meal Prep Benefits:
- 6x healthy meals
- 15 mins of prep
- <$5 per serve
- Minimum clean up

- Throw;
3 chicken breasts (halved),
Small potatoes,
5x garlic cloves,
olive oil, chilli flakes, salt, and pepper on a tray and slide in the oven at 400°C for 45 mins.



1st: Log what I do in a spreadsheet for a year (Excel)
2nd: Build a website (Html, CSS)
3rd: Host my website (Personal Server)
4th: Integrate my spreadsheet to the website (Python)
5th: Deploying a years worth of activity in 1 min on my personal website (Creativity, not tech)


If something is hard, just do more of what's easy; dial back the intensity to maximize volume,
dial back the your focus but stay engaged,
dial back your excitement in order to be practical.

We're playing the long game here.

Good Not Known

All steak no sizzle


What are you optimising for?
I always intend to move towards being good rather than being known.
The last thing I want is to be in a position to capitalise on my goals but fall short because I can't operate in the way I need to.


the inevitable feeling


Discomfort is inevitable. Isn't it better to chose when you're going to feel it?

Nobody Likes A Cry Baby

What to do when the waterworks are coming


It's important to let ourselves cry if we need to.

I used to think if I cried, I needed to take a mental health day. I used to think something was wrong. Now I shed a tear, and get on with my day.

Feeling emotional is good, let it be welcomed not criticized.

Impatience Is Thy Name

whether you're doing 'the thing' or not


The impatience I have with myself is unbenouanced to no one, but it feels very real to me. I have finally been executing on some daily practices, and for some reason I expect a results already..
The audacity I know.

But I Thought You Hated Scary Movies

The best thing to do is something you hate


I don't like scary movies, and yet, I've seen so many of them.
My wife loves them which is reason enough to watch them,
but more importantly, I think it's nice to see someone you love enjoy
something, even if you don't fully understand it.

The Ladder And The Wall

what happens when the climb is longer than you thought


Tracking progress in the gym =

If you're unable to face how slowly you progress,
your issue is not with consistency, but with self-acceptance; a much
bigger mountain to climb.

Try to remember to not be surprised if you find it difficult.

You Are Average

It's just better this way


I weigh myself everyday, but I only pay attention
to the weekly average. I've found this to be helpful.

Does anyone score and track their emotional state? If so, I believe the same rule would apply.

How's It Working For Ya?

Do all those reminders help you?


Remind yourself, "You are where you are meant to be."

The relief that washes over you (if you believe it) shifts your mood to a much better place.
Being reminded of the 20 things you 'could' be doing, does not.

Six Months In

What I've learned from the gym


A first for me … 26 weeks of working out 5 days a week!

I'm in the best shape of my life at age 38. Never too late.
I'm still a newbie in the gym and have a long way to go, dialing in what works for my body.

Here's to new heights in fitness goals for 2024!

Are You Done?

the power of the second glance


Getting through the day and ticking a bunch of boxes feels great, it provides a useful metric, but it's not to be confused with the ONLY metric to look at.

Review your work.

The Constant Struggle

Familiar obstacles


Battling with:
- Doing the basics isn't so basic
- Planning out the next 5 years
- Knowing what I want to want
- Using technology to work for your goals instead of the distraction
- Just because I achieved something in the past, doesn't explain my working knowledge

The Pursuit Of Hope

When a spreadsheet gives you more than you bargained for


Using curiosity to work for me.

I'm logging what I'm working towards:
- Set and reps
- Body weight
- Blogging
- Russian phrases
- New songs
Even though I haven't achieved my goal. I'm excited for when that day will come.

Will it happen next week? ... IDK ... It might...

Comfort In The Unproductive

Do you mean you're not a superhero!?


You're not as productive as you think you are. Anyone who logs what they do every 30mins knows this.

But that's ok, remember you're a human, not a character in the latest action movie starring in your imagination.

Give yourself a break.

It's The Lack

Am I missing something? I'm missing something


I'm not sure what it will take to trust myself.

The level of paranoia when I might miss a day in my quest to build better habits is wayyy too high for my liking.

Reminding myself of the stack of proof I've logged so far is important, but not

What else do I need?

Practicing Singing And Playing

there's a method to the madness


Practicing guitar while singing:
In playing any song; the vocal is the most important part. Making the guitar part easy to play makes ALL the difference. Also, If a song repeats the same chords, changing the quality of the chord between verse and chorus is a game changer.


Another reason to look after yourself


Special things are nice; going out for dinner,
grabbing a drink at the a favourite spot. It pulls you out of your
routine and into possibilities. It gives you that bounce back to
knuckle down and get back to work the next day.

Monthly, sure. Not weekly.

Six Plates

It's just more interesting


I'd rather spin 6 tiny plates, rather than 2 big plates.

This is makes sense for me and my version of success.

So my challenge is: making sure my tracking/logging is on point. Does anyone else do this?


The importance of setting them first


I had a night to myself to work on my live set. I had 25 songs all charted and ready, but I was tired after 8 songs. Rather than be deflated by the result, I now know I have a benchmark to beat for next time. It's all useful data for my next attempt.
Round 2!

Wisdom From Many Disciplines

what aren't I learning here?


I watched heaps of videos tell me the same thing:
- Fitness videos: "Don't Worry do much, just stick to it."
- High performers: "Do what you enjoy and build slowly."
- Cooking shows: "It's simple."

If it's simple, enjoyable and there is no need to worry.
What's stopping me?

Not So Hollow Words

The feelings you weren't aware of


My mood completely changed just now:
A colleague asked, "How am I doing?" I said, "I'm doing good," in a positive tone. Even I believed me!!
Saying those words in a positive tone, lifted my mood and I actually felt better. I'm not sure why this worked, but I'm happy about it, apparently."

Do The Damn Thing

You know you'll feel better


On the other side of discomfort is me, a guy who is a little happier, I decided not to be lazy. Getting shit done just feels better.

Overwhelming Overwhelm

the unseen pressure


Work can feel like it piles on you. The feeling of overwhelm can feel heavy. No one else feels this for you, and unless it's communicated to your manager, you'll never get a quick solution. The 'overwhelm' will still just be yours to carry.

Two solutions: Get help, or do the work.

More Chill

We just need more of it


Relax your face, whenever you're doing a small task like:
- Washing the dishes
- Messaging a friend
- Typing an X post

The unecessary discomfort we place on ourselves may happen more often than you think.

Just A Thought

A message from a friend over a hero


I can listen to podcasts, some of the most brilliant minds talking about mind blowing statistics, fanatical routines and accomplishments. While I love to listen to it, I don't need it. All I really need is someone close to me, telling me they are thinking about me.

Follow The Leader

It's easier that way


Listening to others tell me what to do is easy; it can feel comforting and validating, it can give me a direction, even when I may not need it. But it's hard to know which way to go sometimes. Remember it's easy to listen to someone else, but it's much harder to trust yourself.

Time For Fun

It's finally begun


I've been going to the gym 5 days a week for 5 months. Making the gym a more playful experience has reduced some friction to get to the gym. But this is only a new development. I'm curious why it has taken this long to get to this point, but I'm glad I made it. Fun times ahead!

60 Percent

Isn't that enough?


Making things happen is what we do on a daily basis. We go to work, we cook and clean our homes, we didn't feel like it but we 'muscled' our way through it. So, are we able to do the same without trying so hard?

Absolutely!! Not everything needs our 100% focus and paranoia.

Expensive Thoughts

how much does it cost?


An Expensive thought. It's about the epiphany you get when you prsue the adventure; travel around the world, train for a marathon, study for a new degree.
Is it possible to have an expensive idea without the adventure? Would it be as useful to you?

Oh Stressful Day

I can't wait!!


It's easy to mistake a stressful day with being a bad day. Stress comes from doing higher-stake tasks. They are uncomfortable, but essential to growth. Only by doing it more often, you stack your competencies. Making the uncomfortable more comfortable.
High-stakes = growth.

Own It

You'll learn so much if you do


Ownership of tasks is key. Especially when a ball gets dropped, and it's yours. Own it. You'll learn more about your colleagues around you. You'll also realize how rarely people own their mistakes. Keep an eye on the reactions you get, they are rarely what you expect.


But what about after work?


What if everyone is a writer, but not everyone knows they already have the job.


Leaving your life behind


Does your personal life look as organized as your
work life? I feel like I'm doing it wrong.


Do we have any?


At what point can we trust ourselves to do the right thing based on instinct? We work 40 hours a week. Surely we develop a strong instinct for productivity. If so, we should be able to trust ourselves to do the right thing. Right!?


Why does it sound so wrong?


Networking. Why does this word 'ooze' insincerity and slimy undertones? I don't implement networking in my life for this reason. But what if I can manage a large network of relationships who are like-minded, in the efforts to meet each other's needs. Is that slimy?

Won't You Be My Valentine?

Even if it's not a thing


Sure, you don't have to subscribe to Valentine's day; a man made holiday to perpetuate consumerism.
For me: I don't need a holiday to tell me to make my wife feel extra special, but it can't hurt right? I mean, what else are you going to do?
Just spoil someone, they're worth it.

Take The Day

It rang true today


"What a difference a day makes." "Sleep on it."
Timeless sentiments for a reason.

Does Something Have To Give?

Logical but not inevitable


When you feel unbalanced, it's easy to let go of your habits, something has to give right!? But, what does it look like to embrace feeling unbalanced?
Lunch at 4pm, working out just before bed, choosing to miss out on sleep, not giving yourself a break? Is it that bad really?

I Love The Gym

Just not the benchmark others promote


What fitness isn't about:
- Fancy gyms
- Coordinated gym wear
- Fresh sneaker game
- Good lighting for posing
- Fad diets, Suppliments or Protein shakes

It's about: Sit ups, running, lifting heavy and getting sweaty It doesn't have to be pretty, it just needs to get done.

Learning On The Job Is Great

But not for business


When starting a new job:
- You are excited but know nothing
- You learn new skills and learn to be productive
- You stop learning new things but learn to be productive
- You ask for new responsibilities and productivity drops

A business profits when you're learning the least.

Loop Not List

Check then check again


1) Have a top priority of what you want.
2) Build a system to consistently take small steps closer to what you want.
3) Check and measure your system often to improve over time.
4) Revisit your top priority to ensure you still want what you want.

Gowth is Uncomfortable

Get used to it


You know those days where you feel tired, your brain feels like it's melting, you're not hungry but you know you
should eat... Are you telling yourself you had a good or a bad day?

You know you are working hard and pushing your limits. It's uncomfortable, but it's growth.


What about today?


If you wonder if you're a great friend, or a good musician, or athlete. Ask yourself if you're doing something about it today.

Attendance Is Key

... and it's easy to forget


Showing up is most of the battle. Whether we show up to work, practice, relationships; all of the good things in life will have an element of friction at some point, when trying to 'show up.'

Remember: you can't move forward without showing up.

Purposefully Dreadful

Is there something more?


Why do we dread parts of our lives? Especially
when we know deep down they are not worth dreading. Is it just to
find relief after the task is done? Or is the dread trying to tell us
something else entirely?

Learning Loving Launching

A yearly frame to help your goal setting


2024 Learning: Building out my own independent cloud computing environment.
2024 Loving: Fitness.
2024 Launching: Live music performances.

Wake up

Someone shake me right now


I always want my disposition to be shaking the shit out of my former self. The level of skill in doing this depends on how recent the version of myself I'm working with.

Work VS Personal

If you're able to do it at work, do it at home


Work laptop: nested folders
Work email: rules created
Work attire: tidy, clean, professional.

Home laptop: the same file saved in 5 places.
Personal email: from spam to important emails, all in the inbox
Home attire: whatever is clean...

I need some 'me time.'

The Doing

Creating the space you need for yourself


- Doing the boring thing is easy
- Doing the boring thing consistently is harder (most people avoid)
- Doing the boring thing consistently, whilst not having to think about it.
This is how you free your mind from thinking about boring stuff. You've already done it today.


Have you heard of the best in the world?


The best musicians, communicators, and business successors are people you've never heard of. The people you've heard of have a marketing budget.

Worry Warts

Should-a, could-a, would-a


I keep catching myself thinking, "What SHOULD I be worrying about?"
This lacks direction and prioritization. All you need is a reminder of what's important; "Don't be fancy, get to the basics, do what you love, and don't worry."

A Great Hand

You've got it already, it's the game you don't get


It's the human condition to think you're always lacking, but you have so much already. The cards you're dealt are always better than you think.

To Edit Or Not To Edit

Making the decision not to change a thing


I spend way too much time thinking about how to change my workout routine. Why do I do this? It's already working!!
I wonder how many other parts of my life I worry about when it's already working.
Is it my paranoia which pulls me towards my goals? Is it a necessary evil?


If you're not learning, change, move, do something about it


People close to me often worry about changing fields in their career. The main concern is how 'it could' be seen as a 'negative' on their resume. I've changed positions and industries many times, I've never found this to be a problem. It can be explained away in a sentence.

Good Idea

..but what was it again!??


Good ideas and bad ideas are forgotten just as easily as each other. Spend the time on trapping good ideas; getting them on paper, pictures, videos... You'll never know where your good ideas will lead you, especially if you forget them.

Measure And Means

It doesn't add up


- We can speak English for a lifetime and still communicate poorly
- We can drive for a living and be the worst drivers
- We can study a degree but still forget everything we had learned.

Why do we think doing something everyday is a measure of how good we are at a task?

Was it worth it?

How often do we ask this question?


When you are being entertained, distracted, or needing a break. Do you ever measure the time spent vs how good you feel aftwards? What if, you needed a 2 minute distraction, but you spent 1hr doom scrolling, thinking you'll feel better.


It's a good thing right?


It's possible to repeat a task badly and get used it. Just because you're used to it, it doesn't mean you're getting better. Ask yourself, "What are you getting better at?"

Google is great

But you should try it first


We could google 100 questions before doing the thing, OR, we can do the thing and find out how many of our questions were useless. Why do we waste our time so readily?


Are they for now or later?


How long does it take to form a habit?
James Clear says, "Forever. If you stop doing the habit, it's no longer a part of your life and it's not a habit."
Love it!!

The Basics

When do we learn the fundamentals?


The bar is too high to: Know what to eat Know
how to cook Know how much protein to eat Know what to do in the
gym Know we need creatine Salty water is GOOD Sugary drinks are
BAD These are basic everyday skills and tips we all need to know.
Were they taught at your school?

A Sobering Comparison

When you realize you aren't doing enough


New Thought for body image:
I think about all the days in my life I've been to the gym, compared to the days I didn't go to the gym. My new found motivation to 'hit the gym' is still catching up to the body I've neglected for years.

Log It

Beauty in the data


Crushing a Tuesday:
- Weigh myself/log it
- Gym/log it
- Skull water before work
- Huel and coffee
- 1Lt of water at work
- Post on social media
- Skull water after work
- At least 5mins of music/log it
- At least 5 mins of Russian/log it
- Fast before bed for 1hour
- Brush, floss and mouthwash

Useful Not True

Is this something I should entertain?


Is it healthy to believe in an ideal which:
- May not be true
- If it yields a positive result in your life?

A Dose Of The Good Stuff

5 minutes is all you need


The 5 minute rule: (something I called the 'duolingo rule')
Give yourself 5 minutes to start a task or habit you want to implement into your day-to-day. After the time is up, you can choose to end the task or keep going.
Try it, this has been huge for me.


We need to hear it... often


If we grow slow, grow often, be patient, and enjoy the ride, the destination may be even better than what we can plan for.

Coasting Is Cheating

In the worst way possible


"The work works on you." Whether you're working a shitty full-time job, running a struggling business, or studying for exams. Give it your best, your future-self will thank you for applying yourself, and the extra lessons you learn will be invaluable".

Confidence Is Stored Somewhere Else

But it has been there the whole time


I've noticed there are times where I focus only on my bodies performance in the gym. Why do I forget about all the other times I confidently use my body inbetween the workouts. The morning workout is just the primer for life. Not to workout so hard I can't use it anywhere else.

What A Great Day

Gratitude can be found in the strangest places


My day was:
- Hit the gym, stopped short by work
- Went to work, stressful day, made mistakes
- Had dinner with my wife, wasn't that hungry
- Came home and had a hot shower, fuck it was good.

At this point I realised how lucky I am, what a great day.


Effortlessness is the goal. Can you do hard things with ease? Right now, my habits are there, now is the time to make things more difficult.


Next goal:
1 full year of working out 5days a week for 30+mins with progressive overload. Within the year, be able to acheive:
1) Squat my body weight for 10reps
2) 10 pull-ups in a row
3) Bench Press with 50lbs Dumbells for 10reps


Road block making fitness goals, what comes to mind?
- I wanna look good with a shirt off. Nope! Too vague"
- 10 chin ups in a row "Almost"
- Squat my body weight "Same problem"
- See abs (or at least an outline) "yep, you're not getting it."

Have you heard of smart goals?


There was a time I was embarassed to tell my closest friends what I was passionate about. Now I don't don't even have to; they are seeing the progress in what I'm doing. You don't need to tell anyone you're into 'self-help', just show them proof of being better.


- Healthy habits for the body: Gym, healthy food, sleep
- Time to practice my passions: Music, cooking, coding
- The reasons to 'do the thing': Less time 'thinking about the thing'.


I'm now realizing how dangerous it can be to 'get
comfortable'. I used think I just wanted a comfortable life.
The problem is:
1) I never could get as comfortable as I'd like.
2) A year later, I was more unhealthy and lazy towards my goals
3) It didn't make me happy


Proud moment… Today marks hitting the gym for
1hr, everyday (Monday - Friday) for 10 weeks in a row!!

- Feeling more energetic and mentally strong
- Embracing how I'm progressing more, the importance of tracking details
- More excited to hit the gym next week


I experienced a rough gym session this morning without my ear buds. I now realize why I usually wear them... The 'negative self talk' was so much louder.

New goal: Not wearing ear buds for an entire week in the gym.


Do you spend 'enough' time dreaming BIG? How big do you dream? If there's no harm in it, why don't we do it more often?


1) Eat more, move more. Sometimes it's just that simple.
If you can do this, you've proved you care enough about your body to move to the next step.
2) Dial in HOW you're eating and moving to optimize 'step 1'.


My 1hr gym session 9 weeks ago looked like:
- 1.72kg's heavier in body weight
- Running 0.2 miles less in 10mins
- 40 less reps in body weight exercises
- 5kgs less dumbbell weight in my one arm row
Working on multiple things at once is really paying off ATM


I'm reminded I'm not an athlete, a body builder, a fighter or a model. While measurements are good; scales, reps, sets, body fat percentage, and resting heart rate help track performance. The mirror shows me what I really care about.


Lies I tell myself to help my performance:
- Last set, best set
- I've got this
- I love running
- I like drinking 2L of water


3 simple things I learned from 6months of having a personal trainer:
1) A trainer is expensive but not forever. They ARE worth the investment.
2) The power of regulating your breathing throughout your workout.
3) Drink more water!


My system so far for 5 days a week:
- Morning workout
- At least 3 high protein meals a day
- Skull a bottle of water before work
- Eat more boiled eggs
- Get 10k steps
- Drink a protein shake
- Skull a bottle of water after work
- Spend at least 20minutes on a passion project


Putting a time frame on learning a 2nd language always 'throws me through a loop' I mean, I still feel like I'm learning English 37 years later...


Friday Gem. When anyone reaches any type of success, they recruit MORE help to maintain it. Asking for help is necessary...
Success is a 'we' game, not a 'me' game."
-Lewis Howes"


Serial killer or a slob? Boiled eggs, weighing food, spreadsheets of your movements.. staying healthy feels creepy sometimes, but what's the alternative??


A productivity hack I'm using at the moment: Learn how to crush a task in 10 minutes, rather than a 1 hour block.


I'm reflecting on decisions I had made when I was a teenager. While a lot of my decisions were questionable; I surprised myself with the maturity I managed to summon at times, I just hope I'm making 'past Luke' proud now.


The question isn't: how can I make this easier?
The question is: how many ways can I make this harder?


Pain is something you learn to breathe through and learn from, not to be avoided altogether.


Pay attention to that inner voice which quickly tries to make decisions for you, quitting on the very thing you want to get better at. Take a moment to remember your goals.


Setting minimum's to goals is better than skipping them altogether.


Having the best ideas can often get lost, misplaced or forgotten. Why does happen so often? Ideas with no result, lack action. Test your ideas as early as you can.


"The mind is infinite, but the brain is a schnauzer"
- Jerry Seinfeld

I love this quote. To me, it's about human nature.

Our vast imagination and the depths of our subconscious
Hitting ourselves on the nose because we keep forgetting to drink water.


Why not start preparing for the hard days
now? If you have your health, a few dollars, a job to go to, and a home to come back to. Add to your reserve, instead of biding your time.


The hard things:
- Learning another language
- Playing music
- Going to the gym
- Eating healthy
- Not drinking
- Journaling
- Writing code

... And we have a whole 16hours today.


I'm 6 weeks in to working out 5 days per week. I'm trying to remember if I've ever 'worked out' this hard and consistent in my 37 years of existing.. nope! I feel great, look better, I have more energy, I'm more confident with my body... What took me so long!?!!


Brainwashing: It has such a negative connotation, however, I'm actively trying to wash the bad habits out of my brain everyday.


Moving through pain whilst telling myself to be calm. Who would have thought, lifting some weights was so heavy on the mind.


Try this: Just when it starts to get difficult in a gym workout; smile. It reminded me to not take being uncomfortable too seriously, it's just a workout, get it done.


It's amazing how quickly I forget the most obvious things: I notice I rush certain reps in the gym because they are uncomfortable... Why?? The whole point is to feel discomfort; experiencing time under tension. If there's no tension, why am I going to the gym??


"You can do this." Every time I try and say this to myself, it feels forced, disingenuous, woo-woo, whatever... In saying that, IF I believed in this statement; trusting that I have my own back, I wonder what different doors would open for me?"


When you're ready for 'accountability' to no longer be a scary word. Your curiosity will outweigh your fear. NOW you're ready to improve.


1-minute habits I need to stick to every day:
- Drink a bottle of water before work
- Make a bowl of porridge
- Stretch your body
- Eat a boiled egg
- Make the bed
- Message a friend you thought about recently.

What have I missed?


Is it common to base your training plan around how your body reacts after a workout? I'm curious.


The fittest person in the room talks about their fitness the least. #dothedamnthing


I had been trying to think of a creative way to justify, why I can't finish my exercises this morning... This proved to be difficult, so just got on with it.


Sure, there are upsides to being 'young', but I'm having the time of my life in my late 30's; I have more self-awareness, more money, freedom, more direction, and more confidence... If only there was a way to have less, two-day hangovers.


Proud moment:
I just worked out after waking up hungover: building that stack of proof had to have helped me to get up in the first place.


Me last year:
"How do you progress? Sticking to a routine for consistency? Or constantly shocking your body with new movements?"
Me now:
"... Yes!"


Uncomfortable feelings: The first few reps feel
awkward, and unstable, filling you with doubt. The last few reps, you
crave the awkward, slow, unstable feelings. Why? Because it's working.


Just one more rep, that's all you need. Progress is progress, and that's more than most will do. Go get it!!


Your immediate thoughts don't matter, results matter.
Remember: Thoughts aren't facts. Get to work!


There's nothing like an empty gym to remind you; you are out-working others who decided to sleep in.
Discipline always wins!!


It's empowering to tell that egative Nancy\" in the back my head to sit in the corner while I work out. #workout",


It doesn't have to be pretty and sometimes; it's almost laughable.
Just remember, No one is watching.


Moving slowly is totally fine, as long as you're
headed in the right direction. What is the 'right' direction?
Remember to look at your goals.


One more rep this week. Day 1: my head said, "No!"
My body said, "what else ya got?"
Lesson learned for the minimum, not the maximum.


It's so easy to listen to a 3 hour podcast and feel productive. But someone else did that, what did YOU do?


Funny Friday: I was listening so intently to a
'self-help' type podcast, as I stepped into a puddle, filling my boot with street water.


Today, I heard fear loud and clear, and chose to ignore it. 10 minutes later, I didn't regret my decision at all. #BeBetter


Telling yourself, "you are strong" can feel weird. But, do it anyway, you may start to believe it, when you really need to hear it."